What does the future of display advertising look like?

Posted by | Posted on 1:19 PM

This afternoon, we gave a keynote address at the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s MIXX Conference in New York, entitled “Display 2015: Smart and Sexy.”

As you know by now, we’re investing significantly to make display advertising better for users, advertisers and publishers. Display advertising really is at the heart of what we’re doing at Google these days. 99 percent of our top 1,000 clients are now running campaigns on the Google Display Network. And last year, they increased their spending on display advertising by over 75 percent.

Today, we explained why we think display advertising is about to go through the biggest and most important revolution in its history. We made seven predictions about where display advertising will be in 2015:

 50 percent of ad campaigns will include video ads bought on a cost-per-view basis (that means that the user will choose whether to watch the ad or not, and the advertiser will only pay if the user watches). That’s up from very little today.

 Today, advertisers are starting to deliver ads that are tailored to particular audiences. Many are using real-time bidding technology, so that they can bid on the ad space that they think is most valuable. In 2015, 50 percent of these ads will be bought using this real-time technology.

 With smartphone growth skyrocketing, mobile is going be the number one screen through which users engage with advertisers’ digital brands.
 Today, the “click” is the most important way that advertisers measure their display ad campaigns, but it’s not always the best measure—especially if an ad campaign is designed to boost things like brand awareness or recall. With new measurement technologies emerging, in five years, there will be five metrics that advertisers commonly regard as more important than the click.
 Just like most news articles on the web today can be commented on, shared, discussed, subscribed to and recommended, in 2015, 75 percent of ads on the web will be “social” in nature—across dozens of formats, sites and social communities.

 Rich media formats work. They enable great creativity and interaction between users and advertisers, but today they only represent about 6 percent of total display ad impressions. That will increase to 50 percent, for brand-building ad campaigns.

 All the investments that are making display advertising smarter and sexier will help publishers increase their revenues. Display advertising is going to grow to a $50 billion industry in five years.
We also wanted to visualize the face of the display advertising revolution, so we demonstrated four exciting new technologies:
 We demonstrated some new video ad formats we’ve been testing on YouTube that we’re calling “TrueView.” These will roll out later this year. These ad formats give people the option to skip an ad if they don’t want to watch, or to choose from multiple ads the one they want to watch. Importantly, advertisers only pay if the user chooses to watch their ad.

 We showed some of the things that are becoming possible with our new Teracent technology. This technology can dynamically alter the creative elements of an ad in real-time to make it more relevant and effective, depending on factors like geographic location, language, the content of the website and the time of day.

 You might be familiar with Google Goggles, a way to search the web on mobile devices just by taking a picture. We gave a preview of some experimental uses of Google Goggles that could one day enable advertisers to deliver great display ads to users. Imagine pointing your phone’s camera at an ad for a car in a magazine, and having the car appear in 3D in your mobile device. Or pointing at a movie poster and having the movie trailer play in the device, right in your hand. No QR codes, no downloads!

 We even showed a fun example of what rich media can do—our speech was broadcast live in a number of expandable ad units across the web, and was updated with tweets in real time.

Google adwords Reports that have moved to the Campaigns tab

Posted by | Posted on 11:42 AM

To make it easier for you to analyze your account's performance, we're adding more advanced reporting options, previously only accessible through the Report Center, to the Campaigns tab. With these changes, you can manage your campaigns and analyze their performance all in one place.

The following report types are already available on the Campaigns tab:

If you have these types of reports saved in the Report Center, they'll soon be copied to the Control panel and library , a new area on the Campaigns tab where all your reports will be stored. Once they've been copied to the panel, please start using the Campaigns tab if you want to create new versions of these reports.

Enable the Ad Extensions tab in Google Adwords

Posted by | Posted on 5:38 PM

The Ad Extensions tab shows you detailed data about the ad extensions that you've created within a specific campaign. It also allows you to add, edit or delete your ad extensions.

The tab automatically appears in your account when you've enabled ad extensions in at least one campaign.You can enable or disable the tab for your account view by clicking the arrow button next to your existing tabs above your performance table. When enabled, the tab appears in three places in your account:

  • The "All Online Campaigns" overview screen: The tab will show all extensions for all your campaigns (or "rollup view").
  • The campaign details page: The tab will show all extensions for the selected campaign (or "campaign view").
  • The ad group details page: The tab will show all campaign-level extensions that apply to the selected ad group. You'll also see ad-specific extensions, if applicable.

PPC Tips, Tricks and Resources

Posted by | Posted on 3:35 PM

Whether you're new to search engine marketing (SEM) or if you simply need to brush up on your optimization skills, you can use the below list of key performance indicators and possible solutions to troubleshoot any issues that you may spot in your own campaigns. Keep in mind that the bullet points below aren't meant to be used all together as an across-the-board cure-all; you will need to use your own discretion to determine which adjustments may be most beneficial to your particular campaigns.

Low Click-Through Rate (CTR)
Test multiple ads
• Use dynamic text
• Make ad groups more focused
• Make ads more relevant (to keywords and landing pages)
• Adjust match types:
- Use phrase match instead of exact match
- Use broad match instead of phrase match
• Add negative keywords
• Implement demographic targeting

Previous posts on low CTR:

  1. SEM Beginner Series: What is a Click-Through Rate (CTR)?
  2. SEM Intermediate Series: Increasing Click-Through Rate (CTR) in Microsoft adCenter
  3. Low Click-Through Rate Culprits and What You Can Do About Them (Part I)
  4. Low Click-Through Rate Culprits and What You Can Do About Them (Part II)
  5. Low Click-Through Rate Culprits and What You Can Do About Them (Part III)

High Cost-Per-Click / Low Return-on-Investment (ROI)
• Ensure landing page URLs are current (no broken links)
• Revise ad copy; make it more concise, mention special offers, use calls to action (e.g. “buy”, “shop”, etc.)
• Adjust bids (lower)
Match types: bid on broad, phrase, exact
• Add negative keywords
• Set daily limit to monthly budget

Previous posts on cost-per-click and ROI:

  1. SEM Beginner Series: What is Cost-Per-Click (CPC)?
  2. Lowering CPC with Match Types and Negative Keywords
  3. Five Tips to Improve Your Microsoft adCenter ROI
  4. SEM Intermediate Series: Calculating and Improving Return-On-Investment (ROI) in Microsoft adCenter

Low Page Position
• Increase base bid
• Review keywords and ad copy relevancy
Dynamic text in ad title, text, display URL

Previous posts on page position:

  1. Clarifying Base Bids: Enhancing and Optimizing for Position in Microsoft Advertising adCenter
  2. SEM Beginner Series: Why is Ad Position Important?
  3. SEM Intermediate Series: Strategies for Improving Ad Position in Microsoft adCenter
  4. Ad Position Best Practices for PPC

Low Traffic
• Shorter keyword phrases
Expand keywords (try Microsoft Advertising Intelligence)
• Increase bids to improve page position
• Use broad match
• Remove or expand geographical targeting

Previous posts on traffic:

  1. SEM Intermediate Series: Troubleshooting Low Traffic From Your Microsoft adCenter Campaigns
  2. Qualifying Traffic with Negative Keywords
  3. Microsoft Advertising Intelligence - Using the Traffic and Demographic Tools for Market Trends

Low Conversion Rate
• Update landing pages
• Bid higher on the keywords that perform the best

Previous posts on conversion tracking:

  1. Conversion Tracking: 5 Improvements Scheduled for the Fall Release of Microsoft Advertising adCenter
  2. Conversion Tracking: What It Is and How to Enable and Disable It in Microsoft adCenter
  3. Improve Conversion Rates and Maximise ROI

A Google Health update

Posted by | Posted on 11:59 AM

Google Health launched a bit over two years ago, and since then it's been listening to the users, analyzing feedback and conducting research. google’ve learned a lot from You! You’ve confirmed that having a central place online to store and share medical data with whomever you want is important and a step in the right direction. And google’ve added a number of features based on what you’ve asked for so far. But you’ve also told to google that it’s not enough; that you’re also looking for tools that will help you act on all your health and wellness concerns. Google’ve heard you ask for easier data tracking, more personalization and the ability to set and track progress toward your health goals. Google listened, and today they’re announcing a new design and new features for Google Health.

So what’s new? Well, Google’ve developed an easier-to-use dashboard that brings together even more of your health and wellness information in one place and makes it easier for you to organize and act on that information. they’ve also heard from you that focusing on wellness, and wellness goals, is a big part of the solution, and that it’s important to record your daily experience and set goals

So our new re-design better organizes your medical information, while creating a more welcoming place to set goals for yourself and check in daily on your progress. For example, you might want to set a goal around walking more each day or to lower your cholesterol over time. With our new design, you can easily monitor your path to success with a visual graph that shows your progress towards your personalized goal. You can even create custom trackers for other things that you want to monitor like daily sleep, exercise, pregnancy or even how many cups of coffee you drink a day.

We’ve also integrated with several new partners to make it easier for you to collect the data you need to track your progress, including Fitbit, maker of a wearable device that captures health and wellness data such as steps taken, calories burned and sleep quality; and CardioTrainer, one of the top mobile apps for tracking fitness activity and weight loss. In the two weeks since CardioTrainer’s integration went live, CardioTrainer developer WorkSmart Labs reports that users have already uploaded more than 150,000 workouts to Google Health, where they can more easily view, track and set goals around their workouts and monitor them along with other health and wellness information.

Besides tracking progress toward your health goals, our new design also gives you the ability to take notes or keep a journal on your progress for each health condition or medication you’re taking. The new design also delivers information that is more personalized to your particular set of medical conditions or specific medications. You can access improved content links for each medical condition, medication or lab result you have in your Google Health profile. And they’ve made the Google Health profile easier to read and customize, with the ability to hide past items or sections that are outdated or no longer relevant. All of this helps you keep your dashboard up-to-date with current, relevant information, while still letting you maintain a complete health history.

In addition to redesigning the product and forming new partnerships with device and mobile apps developers, they’ve continued to expand our more traditional integrations with hospitals and other healthcare data providers. Three recent highlights include Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) and Sharp HealthCare.

With this update, they’ve made Google Health an even more powerful tool for organizing all your health information online, and also for achieving your health and wellness goals. We think you’ll find that organized, measurable and engaging information helps make it easier to achieve better health and wellness.


Gist Gadget in Gmail

Posted by | Posted on 10:36 AM


Gist Gadget - Rich Business Profiles by Gist, Inc

Get latest contact details, news, and updates about anyone in your inbox right inside Gmail. The Gist Gadget creates a business profile for anyone in the "From" or "CC" fields.

  • See contact details, work information, and updates

  • Request profiles to build direct connections

  • Search across all your contacts in your network

Gist helps you prepare for a meeting, make an introduction, or just find a better way to connect with others by bringing together your contacts with related content about them to provide important context in your interactions.

Gist constantly generates updates for individual and company profiles with the latest from social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, over 20 million blogs, and over 50,000 news sources. The Gist Gadget then brings all of this social data together and prioritizes it for quick consumption and action right inside Gmail.

"More context, less clicks." ReadWriteWeb
"?find out way more about the people in your inbox, directly from Gmail." Mashable
"?an easy, intuitive CRM app." Gist user

Users can experience Gist as a feature rich web application, as an add-in to leading email applications like Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, and Lotus Notes or on a mobile device with both iPhone and Android applications available.

The Gist Promise:
- Your data is wholly owned and controlled by you. At no time is your data shared unless specifically granted by you.
- Your data is secure. We take great lengths to secure all user data and ensure your data privacy and confidentiality.
- The level of data integration that Gist performs is fully under your control.
- We will never use your data to reach out to your contacts.

Youtube Video Targeting - integrated, targeted and measurable campaigns

Posted by | Posted on 11:35 AM

Much of our recent work at YouTube has focused on making it easy for advertisers and agencies to run integrated, targeted and measurable campaigns across the internet. This has involved a lot of product, sales and back-end integration with Google products (like AdWords and TV ads), so we can build easy-to-use, scalable options for advertisers on YouTube.

Today we're taking another step in this direction, by allowing advertisers to start testing a new Video Targeting tool on YouTube. Video Targeting is modeled after similar Google planning tools and pretty much does what it says: it gives advertisers more control of their ad campaigns by letting them choose specific YouTube partner content they'd like to target. The tool is flexible and helps advertisers discover videos relevant to their campaign and their target audience: it suggests videos based on keywords (like politics or fashion), viewer demographics (like age and gender), interest-based categories, or some combination of the three. Or, if an advertiser has a video in mind, they can see if it's available to target specifically. The result is a marketplace of video targeting options that results in extra control and better brand safety for display advertisers, and more useful and relevant ads on YouTube.

Our goal is to create an easy-to-use, self-service targeting tool for any advertiser who wants to run ads on YouTube. As this first version is in beta (and is being updated every day), it's missing a few features, as well as content from some of our partners -- like those who sell their own ads, for example. So it's currently intended for advertisers who work closely with sales representatives at YouTube. But if you want a sneak peek, you can check it now out at www.google.com/videotargeting.

AdSense Product Ideas page

Posted by | Posted on 9:25 AM

A few months ago, we created a Product Ideas page for AdSense, where you could tell us what product and feature updates you’d like to see. We received over 600 ideas from publishers all around the world, with ideas ranging from ad filtering options to increased transparency, and more detailed reporting to easier account management.

Our product and engineering teams have been hard at work to bring you ideas from the wishlist. We still have more to do, but wanted to share some of the progress so far:

You asked for...More transparency about how much you’re earning from AdSense.
What we’ve delivered...The AdSense for content and AdSense for search revenue shares are now publicly shared.

You asked for...The ability to block certain categories of ads, like religion and dating.
What we’ve delivered...Category blocking (previously known as category filtering) is now available in 13 languages. You can filter up to 11 ad categories, including religion, dating, politics and weight loss.

We’ve also been developing a new version of the AdSense interface. Although the interface is currently in beta, it addresses many of the requests we saw on the Product Ideas page. Take a look at the improvements that the new interface offers:

You asked for...Make it easy to change addresses when we move from one location to a new one.
What we’ve delivered...You can make requests to change the country of your payment address directly in the new AdSense interface. (Due to legal and system constraints, some country updates will still require you to create a new account.)

You asked for...Automatic revenue tracking to quickly and easily compare performance of ads of different sizes and types.
What we’ve delivered...The new AdSense interface offers Ad units, Ad sizes, and Ad types reports in the Performance Reports tab. These detailed reports can help you understand which individual ad units, ad sizes, and ad types perform best on your site.

You asked for...The ability to view data for a custom date range, similar to Google Analytics.
What we’ve delivered...The new AdSense interface includes a date range selector just like Google Analytics. Plus, to see how your earnings have changed over time, we also have a feature that allows you to compare two date ranges. Simply select the date range you want to compare, check “Compare to other dates”, fill in the start date, and we’ll fill in the end date for you!

You asked for...More time frames for analyzing metrics. Specifically we heard the wish to “select the same period of time and say group by week or month to see the trend.”
What we’ve delivered...Reports by week and month, in addition to by day, are available in the Performance Reports page. Along with reports for “Entire account by day” you can choose from weeks and months.

If you’d like the new beta interface enabled in your account, you can make a request.

Thanks for all your ideas and votes. Your ideas and feedback help our teams determine where we should be spending our time, so keep them coming!

Bing Search with Search Suggestions on your Firefox browser

Posted by | Posted on 9:59 PM

If you would like to add the Bing Search on your Firefox browser, check out this firefox add-on which can instantly show up search suggestions for the keywords you type in.

Bing provides great general search results, relevance, a big index and speed — all of the hallmarks of a good search engine. However, because sorting through search results can often be time consuming, Bing organizes popular results in a different way, designed to help you get the answers you’re looking for without having to guess the right way to phrase a search term.

Bing Search Suggestions

Let me know with your experiance using this search engine and the results you get while searching for something.

FaceBook v/s Google

Posted by | Posted on 12:08 PM

Rumors have erupted recently about the web giant Google locking horns with Facebook in direct competition. The new social media platform Google is working on is tentatively dubbed Google Me by bloggers.

The tweet by Kevin Rose, founder of Digg stating that Google was launching “Google Me” to compete with Facebook started the rumor mills churning on June 28 and even though the message was deleted soon thereafter, others have taken up to add more grist to the mill.

facebook vs google

The news is confirmed by ex-CTO of Facebook – Adam D’Angelo. He stated confidently that the ‘Google Me’ project was real and not a rumor and that through reliable sources he had learned that a large number of personnel are working to make it happen.

Google felt that their current product ‘Google Buzz’ apparently was not strong enough to compete with Facebook. It was too slow compared to the growth rate of Facebook, and so they have decided to build a top class social networking site, modeled on the lines of Facebook. Insiders have stated that this is a top priority project at Google.

“Google Me’ is estimated to be having a huge potential and expected to give Facebook a keen competition. Jason Kincaid of TechCrunch feels it is not that simple to create a new Facebook and it will be a daunting task for Google to face off with Facebook on the battle of social networking.

Many people in the search engine industry are in consensus about one thing – that the competition between Google and Facebook will usher in a new era and bring about balance due to one player trying to gain ground and become dominant in their fight to popularity and success. And there are those that are leery of the new service to be launched. They feel that Facebook has made inroads into people’s daily lives to such a great extent that no competitor would be able to gain ground and make any headway the way Facebook did.

Google has not been able to confirm the rumors of challenging Facebook, but off the record, people in the know about both Facebook and Google have been confirming that there is indeed something of the sort in the offing.

Though it seems like a tedious and uphill climb to even come up to the level of Facebook, it is also anticipated that Google cannot afford to fail. If they do fail, Facebook will retain its top-notch position as the best social networking site to date.

Why Publish SEO Press Releases?

Posted by | Posted on 2:22 PM

There are plenty of benefits of SEO press releases if you do them correctly:

  • Backlinks from credible news sites which increases the ranking of your website or blog for your keywords
  • Visibility in search engines
  • Ranking in Google News and Yahoo News for your keywords
  • Tens of thousands of headline impressions across hundreds of blogs, websites, and news sites that run RSS headlines
  • Potential media coverage
  • Can help your new website escape from the “Google Sandbox” quickly

Wordpress tags auto link for Better SEO

Posted by | Posted on 3:27 PM

Do you have the latest version of wordpress on our blog? If yes you can find the in built Tags feature which can be used in each of your blog posts. Now you can use these tags as a great Internal pages link building tools but using a wordpress plugin called as – Wordpress Plugin Tags Autolink

Google Link BuildingYou just need to add a minimum of 2 Tags in each of your post and a maximum of 6 Tags and this plugin finds similar tags in other posts and links to it. For example if you tag a post with wordpress , this plugin searches for all posts with the word ‘wordpress’ and automatically links to the Tags page. This option would save a lot of your time by automatically doing the link building for your blog and giving the tag pages more relevant backlinks.

Here is the link to the wordpress plugin – wordpress tags auto link which you just need to download and activate to get started.

20+ Ways to Build Backlinks

Posted by | Posted on 12:01 PM

Link Building is one of the greatest ways to increase traffic and get high ranking in search engines especially Google. It also helps your website get higher pagerank which results in more traffic to your website. Backlink plays an important role to get higher search rankings for your blog post, articles, etc. The more links you get to your site, the more quality visitors you’ll get from the search engines through the world.

It is all about building nice and quality backlinks to your blog or website. In search engine optimization (SEO), page rank is at least partially determined by the number of sites that link to yours.

1. Hubpages: It is very unpoliced and they’ll basically allow anything to stay on their site. Don’t forget to link to your website. The whole point of using HubPages to get links is to increase your site’s link juice, and ultimately its rankings. Hubpages does delete hubs and users who do not comply with the TOS.

2. Squidoo: Create a Squidoo page for your website or blog you like. Also include links to your website. It is great for creating solid links to your other Squidoo lenses or blogs because of the love that Google and other search engines shows Squidoo. When you create your content on either a Squidoo lens or blog, you need to make sure that you are targeting the people who would want to read it.

3. Social Bookmarking sites: These days social media is very popular source of backlinks. Create good content on your website, and submit to social bookmarking sites. Here is the list of 30+ Inspirational Social Bookmarking sites.

4. Give Testimonials: It is great way to get you a Backlink from a very authoritative site and has a big chance to drive you loads of traffic.

5. Article Directories: Article writing for building traffic and backlinks is a strategy that webmasters has been and still using effectively. The problem is that some website owners either ignores it or does not trust their writing skills. My favorites are eZineArticles and GoArticles.

6. Create a list post: I know list posts are old, but they still work great. Examples “10 Killer Ways to Make Money With Twitter”, “Top 5 Internet Marketing Gurus” or “99 Ways To Promote your blog”.

7. Guest Posting: This is the very popular way, especially between bloggers on the internet. Guest posting is not just about getting the backlinks but also to build your brand among the vast on-line users.

8. Blog commenting: Commenting on Do Follow Blogs is the easiest way to get backlinks. Use Follow List to find out blogs related to your niche.

9. Link exchange: It is a strategy used by webmasters where you give a website a link on your website and they give you a backlink to your website. It is not as effective as it was before.

10. Forum Posting: These days Many Forums provide Dofollow link via signatures of signed up users. If the forum is a popular one, a backlink can be extremely valuable. If you know the solution to a problem or the answer to a question and you feel your answer could benefit more users, put it on your website and direct the members to look at it at your website. In your signature, include the link to your website; with every post you get a backlink to your website.

11. Hold a contest: Run a contest on your blog like sushant is doing here. It tends to bring lots of backlinks and traffic.

12. Post at .gov and .edu forums: Submiting your links on edu links is a great way to boost backlinks, traffic and ranking on Search Engine that’s especially Google Search Engine. Edu and Gov links are still highest quality links that recommended by a lot of internet marketers.

* EDU Forums Including 200+ EDU Forums List

13. Press Release: It is widely understood that SEO press releases are an excellent source of backlinks and can greatly assist in an overall SEO marketing plan. To get these links, you need to include links within your press release your site. The most popular press releases website is prweb.com. Don’t forget to link to your website.

14. Release a Free WordPress Theme or Plugin: If you can make a custom WordPess theme or plugin then release it for free to your guests. WordPress themes and plugins are probably the easiest and fastest ways to build backlinks to your blog, with little effort. Don’t forget to add link back to your website in footer.

15. Buy a Review: If your product is good and unique enough, try to ask bloggers to review and blog about your website, product or services. You can also offer to pay them directly to review about your site, or you can buy posts through services like ReviewMe.

16. Link Baiting: Make good posts which will help you create lot of discussion and backlinks. Whether by creating good content on your blog or by offering something unique, you might have already created linkbaits without knowing that you have done so.

17. Buy Backlinks: Be careful where to buy from and make sure that the website hosting your link is worth it. Text-Link-Ads are most likely your best option.
Try SmartBloggerz For Backlinks!

18. Leave a comment here and get a backlink.

19. Top 7 commentators are rewarded with a backlink. The List Refreshes Every Month.

20. Three More Ways to quickly build thousands of backlinks.

Lastly, is there anything you find something to disagree with in this post or have an opinion on this topic? Please leave us a comment below